you read the title
YAAALLALA SHE SIMPS FOR ME TOO literally i thought this would never happeppepen. I liked her for like forever but IT TURNS OUT SHE LIKES ME TOTOTOTOOOOO. literally if i look back on this im going to cringe but that's going to happen no matter what we can never escape our future selves looking down on us scoffing so i have decided not to try to appease these made-up gods in our minds. Even when i'm 90 when i'm 91 i will think "ew cringe" so i will decide to live life in the moment. i always never wanted to love someone because of the statistics and the odds but that was because nobody ever loved me back. You will always be juvenile to some degree and we have to stop striving for this eventual perfect, mature, intelligent person we will someday become. In reality life happens day by day and pontificating on the future is a useless task because we will NEVER become who we think we will. we just have to be as honest as we can and people will either like or not like it but you cannot control this. Whenever i write i want it to sound a certain way and be as Perfectly Truthful And Beautiful and that doesn't happen ever. I want to write comics and Tell stories and sing songs and the only way i can do that is just by pressing GO. If i keep waiting until i'm good enough or until i have thought it through enough or until i have learned enough music theory then I WILL NEVER CREATE ANYTHING. The only way to suceed is to get over this image of yourself in your head and just do things the only way you know how. Things are surprisingly easy once you start doing them; it's the waiting before that's the hardest part.
Good fucking morrow my fellow serfs of the oppressed class. right now i happen to be queuing to watch the moste distinguished programme known as Dear Mr. Atheist. I myself do not classify myself either as a thiest or an atheist, for i think most sides have interesting views. i like mister Jimothy tundra because he's funny and raises good issues. ANYway i am updating this at 4:00 pm because i only got dressed and took a shower an hour ago. i happen to be MOST unproductive on saturdays. OH GOODNESS IT IS STARTING AND I AM NOT SUFFICIENTLY HYDRATED. after running to the bathroom i am decent and am now in possesion of a metallic flask. As the days pass i find my fingernails and the matrix from which they stem more and more nutritious. Pippins law is as follows: The amount of embellishment that my mbira aquires is inversly proportional to the length of my fingernails.
ok so rn i'm listening to carly simon (riverboat gambler) and IT SLAPAPAPAPAPS. actually she's the best. uGH I'M TYPING this instead of doing my spanish assignment bc i like bad website design instead of being productive. OK now im listening to some BOMBASS mbira music by my mentor jeff GOD that slaps even more. ANYWAYS literally i dΓΈΓ²0áónnt want to do my hΓΆmework. the sticker system my sister set up is nice and all but GOD this is f u c k i n g boring..g.g.g.g. gOD AND THERE'S SHEIΓE stuck in my teef. IM VERY ANGRY BECAUSE OF THIS. (
that's how i feel.
also MPG is canceled i guess.
one time when i was in kindergarten i fell asleep in class as an experiment and my teacher and classmates all yelled at me and that's the day i learned not to trust anyone not even myself. i also remember the shirt i was wearing that day. funny how brains work. also hi mia!!!!1!1 i know you want me to finish homestuck but STORY TIME! NOT CLICKBAIT! i can't get through it very easy. i have to read like 8000 pages full of GODDAMN PESTERLOGS and thats a lot to ask of a person just to connect with them. also i simp for aradia very hard. i used to simp for vriska but now i know where my loyalties lie. sucks that she likes equius. that's just gross. OH GOD i talk about homestuck too much. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO ME MIA.
ive been listening to james taylor a lot in fact i'm listening to him right now! oof it's getting kinda old tho. hmmmmmm
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